House Hunting 101: 5 Questions This Realtor Swears By

So, you’re in pursuit of your dream home and looking forward to being a future homeowner?
Buckle up that seatbelt because we've got a checklist of questions that your realtor (that's me!) is going to throw at you before we seal the deal.
First up, let's talk budget. I know, money talk isn't always the most exciting, but it's crucial. We'll figure out what you can comfortably afford because, trust me, nobody wants a dream home that turns into a financial nightmare.
Next on the list is your wish list. What are your must-haves and deal-breakers? That perfect balance of "I need a walk-in closet" and "I absolutely cannot live without a backyard oasis." Let's get those priorities straight!
Now, let's talk neighbourhoods. Are you a city slicker or a suburban adventurer? Proximity to work, schools, or that cozy café you love – we're mapping it all out to find the sweet spot for your new abode.
Onto the nitty-gritty – home inspection time! Are you cool with a fixer-upper or looking for move-in ready? We'll chat about the level of TLC you're willing to invest in your future home.
Last but not least, the future. How long are you planning to stay? This isn’t just a house; it's a home. Whether it's a starter pad or a forever nest, we'll make sure it fits your timeline.
So, there you have it – the 5 questions that make house hunting a breeze. Let's find you a place that not only checks the boxes but feels like home sweet home! #EducatingBuyers #InformingBuyers #BuyingAHome #BeforeYouBuyAHome #OakvilleRealtor

Check out my other blog on buying a home and why the right neighbourhood is key - click here
